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How to Increase Sperm Count Naturally and Safely

Men everywhere are constantly seeking ways to raise their own sperm count in a safe and easy way. The fact is, most males are very concerned about the volume of semen they release during an ejaculation. There are many ways for you to boost your sperm volume the natural way. If you want to know how you can enjoy a more satisfying and enjoyable sex life, keep reading.

1. Healthy Eating. By cutting fat from your diet and choosing foods that are higher in protein, fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods, you will live healthier and enjoy a higher sperm count. You should also try to eliminate spicy foods, caffeine, and bitter tasting foods from your diet, as these foods can actually lower your sperm count.

2. Get plenty exercise. Excessive body fat also brings down semen quality. Regular exercise helps keep you in shape and energizes your body. There are numerous exercises you can do to target your penis muscles and raise your sperm count.  Exercise increases the level of testosterone in your body, helping with the production of sperm.

3. Keep your weight at a healthy level. In addition to causing health problems, body fat also can reduce sperm count. Eat healthy foods low in fat and high protein content, vegetables, whole grains. You should make it a habit take multivitamins daily and drink plenty water to get all the nutrients your body needs.

4. Get rid of unhealthy habits. That means alcohol and smoking. Drinking and smoking both are dangerous to your health, and they decrease your sexual appetite while in bed. Scientifically proven that men who smoke produce 22-23% less sperm in the ejaculate than non-smokers, and alcohol reduces the production of testosterone in the body. Getting rid of those bad habits is a good idea if you want to increase your sperm count.

5. Massage. The massage is great relaxation and helps stimulate your testes, prompting them to produce a greater amount of semen. Massaging also boosts your body’s blood flow, especially to the penis. Massage your body with herbal oils. In addition to regular exercise, it improves circulation.

6. Relax. Too much stress decreases your sexual function and lowers the body’s semen production. You can try a variety of techniques that will reduce stress. You should try meditation, regular exercise, and even a yoga class.

7. Don’t over-engage in sex or masturbate too often. Every time you ejaculate, you lower your semen production. Try to put at least three days between ejaculations. This will allow your body to produce a greater amount of semen.

8. Make sure your testes remain cool. Keeping your testes too hot (like wearing tight underwear) restricts semen production. To give your testes breathing room, don’t get into saunas and don’t bathe in hot water. It’s best to wear boxer underwear that is loose – or no underwear at all.

9. Enjoy an active sex life. One of the most effective ways to keep your sex life verily is to use it. Have sex in the morning. Peak hours for semen levels are the morning and afternoon hours. Having sex during these hours will naturally produce a higher semen volume during ejaculation.

10. Use dietary supplements. Try different supplements that contain natural herbal ingredients, trace elements and minerals, specially selected and combined so to help the body make more semen. Studies have found that folic acid and zinc sulfate help to increase your sperm count.

Try natural herbal sperm enhancers like Performer5, Volume Pills, Semenax. These an all-natural volume enhancers may increase the semen production, raise your sperm count naturally, enhance sexual appetite and stamina.

Keep in mind that while these dietary supplements do increase sperm count, you’ll get the most sexual pleasure by making the most of what you have.

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