Men experience constant pressure to perform. In fact, there is such an important problem as the maintenance and improvement of male potency. Quite justified, this determines the overall physical and mental health of men throughout their lives.
If we talk about what constitutes man’s confidence. We can say that out of the money, career success, physical strength, or status in society. That’s almost true. Nevertheless, it is not enough for a person who actually feels like a real man. First of all, he must be successful in his sex life.
Male potency is something without which there cannot be healthy sexual intimacy between a man and woman who love each other. A healthy and strong man is respected among his friends and causes admiration and sympathy among women.
Factors Determining Sexual Potency in Men
Limited intimate life or lack of sexual activity has a depressing effect on men. Life loses its colorfulness, does not bring happiness, even an interesting job is not happy, and does not satisfy.
Conversely, a man with no sexual problems feels strong, happy, and confident that promotes self-awareness. The causes leading to erectile dysfunction are quite a few. Such as stress, depression, and various diseases, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, bad habits.
High potency means a man’s ability to have sex. In sexology, the term potency usually refers to male sexuality. Thus, the potency determines the sexual capabilities of a man and is to some extent characterized by the erection hardness, the duration of the sexual act, and its normal flow. In other words, it is a man’s ability to perform normal sexual intercourse, to sexually satisfy his woman, and the ability to conceive a child.
Every man has his own intimate potential, which decreases with age. Thus, for example, 30-35-year-old middle-aged men can regularly have sex 2-3 times a week. Most 50-year-old men make love on average 2 times a week, and at the age of 60, once a week. By the way, do not allow long breaks in sex life. It is established that the more sex, the better for potency.
Male potency is usually characterized by several components:
• presence of sexual desire which in essence is the so-called libido;
• ability to get and maintain an erection to perform sexual intercourse;
• successful completion of each coitus accompanied by orgasm and ejaculation;
• the ability to quickly restore an erection for the next coitus;
• sperm functionality for successful fertilization.
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